Sol Beer

Photographer: Karabo Mooki
Director: Karabo Mooki
Produced by: Darwin Studio
Local Support: Gung-Ho Productions


Casting, multiple locations, huge crew, video and stills – this project had it all for use to do. And to make it a little more challenging, this was all outside of the UK where we are based and in Cape Town, South Africa. We wanted to bring something special to this project and create a campaign that was not only colourful through the design agency we worked with, but the smiles and energy in the video and stills was all real. We casted photographer and director Karabo Mooki’s friends from Cape Town for a week of sunshine and good times. 

With multiple set moves and a full schedule, it was important that we led with a cast who took direction and understood the brief. Being friends of the creative, allowed us to make creative decisions quickly. The result was a lively, fun and positive, global OOH and digital campaign.